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Bon Voyage 

lywantdcVery excited to be heading to out nation’s capitol for the #LifeYouWantTour. I have been an admirer of Oprah since she was on broad cast television back in the 1980’s on 6 ABC back in Philadelphia. In fact I still can recall the time she recorded several shows in Philadelphia. She Chartered a bus full of audience members too the City of Brotherly Love to the Civic Center (the convention Center in the city at the time). All i can recall is them singing Elton John’s ‘Philadelphia Freedom; while speeding down the Philadelphia expressway. I was too young at the time to process the juices that flowed from her soul. I was never quite sure what it was, why I was, and still to this day so drawn to her, like a hummingbird to an orchid. The line up is quite impressive, and Washington D.C. is only the third stop in her circuit around the country with her band of merry souls.

Consequently, or as the universe may have convinced me in perfect order. I was living in Washington D.C. when stumbled upon a book Oprah urge all who were listening to go out and purchase. It was in about 2008, when she was just planning to leave broadcast television, and launch her ‘own’ (did you see what I did there?) network which we all now know as OWN. I was unemployed, and staying with my cousin in southeast DC, in the throws of southern culture shock. I’d become accustomed to watching Oprah while she was still on broadcast TV. And it seemed all of the sudden but she began promoting this book called ‘A New Earth’ by a guy I’d never heard of named Eckhart Tolle. Even though I was broke, and living in a city with one of the highest costs of living I’d ever seen I managed to make it all the way to Union Station and scrounged $20 to buy this book by a guy I’d never heard of in my life.

From the moment I read the first sentence, my eyes were glued to the pages. The only thing that kept me from breezing through it in one day was my finger hurting from taking notes on the margins as I read (as suggested by Oprah herself) She’d prefaced her book club entry by saying that one should be taking notes all throughout. So that one could take as mush as A-New-Earth-Coverhumanly possible from the publication. Suffice to say the world that I knew before I opened the front cover of that book had transformed in a matter of days. I began having strange dreams. My worldview shifted dramatically. And the man i knew as Jesus became fully three dimensional. In a way that i never believed was possible. Until it happened to me. If Oprah was an Orchid, then she bloomed in the period of time it took me to complete that book.

This weekend Washington will be my own personal Mecca, the place where I experienced my own spiritual awakening, an transformation that would not have taken place if my fairy God Mother hadn’t showered me in her sparkling fairy dust. i love her and honor her for that. For being a platform for all that is good in this world. For emerging from her own personal trails unscaved, and demonstrating what it means to be brave and beautiful all at once. I take this opportunity to thank her for setting me on a sound path to fulfillment and enlightenment. I alot of what little i have to her efforts in making the planet a better place to live for all sentient beings.