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Book Review: The Map of Heaven

Title: The Map of Heaven

Author: Eben Alexander

Published: October 7, 2014

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Source: ARC

Before I came across an ARC of Eben Alexander’s Map of Heaven, the most I’d heard about him was that he was some doctor that had gotten sick; and gone into a coma and had a dream about butterflies. Well from the preface (and I almost AlexanderEbenScaled-e1409085635468never read that part) of his new book he had my attention. Given the last few books I reviewed (some DNF’d) I was kinda losing hope for the genre, as in there were no genuine contributions to such a new and emerging space in the publishing world. But Alexander put all of my worries to rest. First of all he has enticed me to want to read his first book Proof of Heaven; which I have not yet read, but now I look forward to it. Alexander’s ability to present his arguments with some of the founding fathers of science and medicine is impeccable. Reaching as far back as Newton and even to the two pillars  of philosophy Plato and Socrates; citing Plato one of Socrates  disciples’ allegory of the cave. basically using what is normally perceived as people in a cave chained to a wall with a myopic view of the world outside of them because they can not see shadows on the wall by the light of the fire. This is analogous to what Alexander believes is the current state of science, and the empirical world as we know it. Being part of that scientific community, and fully initiated into this fraternity he’s uses figures like Socrates and Plato who were the top minds of their time in greek culture to illustrate how much we are off the mark. That is not to out do the fact that science has and is making a lot of contributions to the world as we know it. It’s just that after his NDE Alexander live only in the observable universe anymore. He quotes Plato on a number of occasions citing “what we call learning is only a process of recollection.” I love this notion of an observer in the midst of consciousness. Or the awareness that is aware as I have heard it in other places. This book was one of great introspection on the part of Alexander. He does a great job at backing up his claims with the research and facts from other revered figures in the scientific community, this text comes complete with a references in the footnote section at the end of each chapter. But this reader was not compelled to fact check Mr. Alexander, but it’s great to know that the window is left open to all who would like to.

There is no doubt that this book is a response to those in the scientific community who wrote off Alexander’s claims in Proof of Heaven as a simple firing of oxygen deprived neurons. But what Alexander did instead of speak overtly and unequivocally to his naysayers amazed me more and kept me totally engaged while reading his seven chapter curtain call. He gave a voice to the hordes of folks who wrote to him their testimonials of similar experiences, whether they were first hand or second hand mapofheavenexperiences. While presiding over the marriage of the metaphysical and scientific community; he simultaneously built a cake layering his commentary with the italicized personal accounts of those he’s encountered on speaking engagements as well as those who’ve written him since the publication of Proof of Heaven.

If you are looking for an intelligent discussion on the subject of NDEs, and the existence of consciousness beyond the physical body I highly suggest you scoop this title up when it hits bookstores on October 7th.

Twitter: @LifeBeyondD

Website: http://www.ebenalexander.com/