Tag Archives: good books

Coming Soon, Turning the Tide

Sorry folks it has been so long since I have posted. I have been quite busy fighting the everyday fight of life as we know it. Trying to maintain the energy necessary for self evolution. It is hard yes but I am open my eyes every morning in the hopes that the gates to the next level open. Right now I am working on a book that touches a subject very near and dear to my heart. Biblical narratives by a gentleman by the name of John Alan Turner. The book is entitled ‘Crazy Stories Sane God.’ It basically has all the stories from the bible that are lesser known, or the smaller narratives of larger more known biblical stories. For example he opens with Sodom and Gomorrah and segways into the Noah account where Noah’s son is curse for finding his father drunk and naked.


After I read the Eben Alexander text I started being more careful about the knowledge i let creep into my skull. I also learned that just because someone is slapping a ‘spiritual’ sticker on a book doesn’t mean they have your best interest at heart (consciously or unconsciously). So with that in mind I struck all the iffy titles I was interested in, and put a higher litmus test on the titles i choose, and a higher premium on the time i committed to reading those titles. I can’t just out right call people bullshit artist. But I will steer clear of works I deem to be red herrings in my quest for truth. And I’ll sit and listen to anyone who makes arguments that are counter to my beliefs, or the ones I have found truth in according to what the universe has shown to me at this point in my life. With that said I hope to be done with the Turner book in the next 6 days.