Tag Archives: Brown Girl Dreaming

It’s Been a minute ‘Merica

Disregard all the shit you see below. I never finished that book about Bible stores, probably because it was boring And I am sorry that I made you all wait so long before bringing you that sweet ass content. My last post on here was over a year ago, and for me that isn’t too bad. We have made an entire revolution around the sun (and some change), and I have read a hand full of books that have mildly stuck to my brain. Ready Player One, The Lives of Tao, and The Alchemist. All good books in their own rights but I am more stoked about RP1 coming out a a major motion picture. In haven’t given up on my pursuit of the universe’s secrets. But I have mostly given up on people who write books about it. But i would like to adjust the aim of this internet publication. Branch out into other stuff. Like Podcasts, and my quest to write a novel about nothing? It’s national Novel writing month, and I would like to get into the habit of writing a few times a week. Trouble is I get my best plot ideas a 10:30 at night and I usually crash for the night within a 2 hour radius of that. Anyway my intention is to wright of the direction of right action and the ebb of the universe will flow in my general direction.

So since last year I have purchased a rectangular shaped TV an Xbox One and formally entered domestic partnership (yep ladies I am off limits…but you can look). All of the above were on my vision board at the beginning of the year.  If memory serves me right I think I hit four out of five if you include the queen Ikea bed I got this spring. But enough about my life I am out here trying to make the internet a nicer place to live. So This will be a new platform for other shit mostly the Podcasts I listen to (a very shortlist). But they get me to work sane on Pittsburgh’s less than glamorous Mass transit.

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To all my fellow NanoWrimo pantsers send all reserve good vibes in my general direction. My brain hurts and the office isn’t enough. My original approach was a existential crisis of a middle aged man looking for a response from the creator of the universe, in the prose of Alice Walker in the Color Purple. But I am not sure how well the Journal entry thing would work for me, and I don’t want to rip off a legend. That would make me a bitter of the highest class. My girlfriend has a book by a woman named Jacqueliine Woodson called Brown Girl Dreaming. Amazing have any of you ever heard of this? It’s like all in poems. I love i. Well what I have read of it anyway. And she has a hard cover, and it’s draped in awards and medals like an Olympian gold medalist. My Girlfriend is going to see her speak sometime next year as apart of some series of YA writers. I am stoked for her, also I wish I was going but alas I am not. Anyway Ia m totes wasting word count here And I am sure I am slated to finish my novel sometime around Kanye’s Presidential Inauguration so on that note I am going to sign off.