Oprah’s The Life You Want Weekend – Day 2 – My Ah ha Moment

Shinin Light Book Reviews

The first exercise from Oprah’s The Life You Want Weekend Tour Workbook.

 The first exercise we were told by Oprah to think about someone we love and the life we want for them. – EASY

I thought about my Mother wanting to see her do here nonprofit work full time. To have a mobile van to teach youth about video and audio. She works with foster care children and helps them speak their truth. I wanted her to have a huge house and all the video equipment she needs.


THE AH-HA Moment

Oprah helped us see  how quickly we can imagine a great life for someone we love. People even wiped away tears when they opened their eyes from envisioning someone else’s dream.

The AH HA Moment- look at how much thought, love, and energy you put into a vision for someone else. Why is it so hard to do…

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