Beyond Past Lives


Beyond Past Lives

Author:  Mira Kelly

Published: 29 July 2014

Publisher: Hay House

Source: ARC

To reiterate what I started in the prior post about this author and her book, I found it extremely difficult to dredge through Beyond Past Lives. Especially when dealing with the given subject matter of New Age/New Thought. I found it especially insulting, not only to my sensibilities but to the trust a reader puts in a writer when they expose themselves to what it is that the writer has prepared for them between the covers. I am not familiar with Kelly’s prior work but this one not only last me but through me for a loop only a dozen pages in, I hung in there until chapter 3. Her claims and findings were very hard to keep track of, and sometimes seemed implausible. In one instance she tells a story about leaving her business card between the pages of a book in the New Age section of a Barnes and Noble, and claims she acquired a client that way. She proceed to tell us how she took this man into a Past Life Regression session where he recounts a past life that took place in the 1960’s. Apparently he offed himself, but no wait, in trance he’s not done because he continues to recount details in a life that overlapped the one he left as a soul in the 1960s. This is where Kelly dropped the bomb that shit was about to get crazy. More like stupid. She ushers in some concept of a ‘oversoul’ compares it to hands, and the concurrent lives as fingers on the globe contributing to the evolution of this ‘oversoul.’ And you can tell she is used to a gullible audience because she suggests that you may have infact interacted with this over soul.

In short i was left unengaged, trying to figure out where she was going with this and what she was getting at, and more importantly what was the takeaway. I feel that as a reader if a writer can’t draw pictures in my mind, and effect my heart with their prose, and the poetry in the way that they speak to me as the reader then I have nothing else to offer certainly not my time ans attention. The choice to take back the energy I’d invested in the form of intention when I entered this covenant with Ms. Kelly was not an easy one, but once I did further research and thought about how important my time was, it got easier.

I checked on Amazon to see what the streets was saying about this woman, like me and 3 other people actually believe this publication is trash. One girl named Bellaisa got a bit further than me says that at one point Kelly has a client who was reincarnated as a FLOWER? Yes America a flower. All I could say to my self was WTF are you serious? A flower, so with that I made the final decision to just DNF this thing. I will also be deleting it from my Amazon carousel. This was a really bad one guys run away

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